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"Holy Spirit" - Natural Onyx and Rhyolite

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"Confetti" - Bone, Wood and Cotton - Handmade Chaplet - Inspired by Teilhard de Chardin and Pope John XXIII

Hope and History, Leather Irish Penal Chaplet handmade by Still Stone and Moss Prayer Bead Art. Detail. Hope and History, Leather Irish Penal Chaplet handmade by Still Stone and Moss Prayer Bead Art. Full view.
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"Hope and History" - Leather Irish Penal Chaplet

Like Olive Shoots - one of a kind handmade chaplet of bone and glass, by Still Stone and Moss Prayer Bead Art. Detail. Like Olive Shoots, one of a kind handmade chaplet of bone and glass, by Still Stone and Moss Prayer Bead Art. Full view.

"Like Olive Shoots" - One of a Kind - Glass and Bone - Handmade Chaplet

"The Shepherd Follows" - variation ii - Wool and Picasso Jasper - Handmade Chaplet PXL_20231106_233547800.jpeg

"The Shepherd Follows" - variation ii - Wool and Picasso Jasper - Handmade Chaplet

"The Shepherd Follows" - variation i - Wool and Lavastone - Handmade Chaplet PXL_20231106_234235278.jpeg

"The Shepherd Follows" - variation i - Wool and Lavastone - Handmade Chaplet

Bright Wings, mother of pearl chaplet, handmade by Still Stone and Moss Prayer Bead Art., variation 2. Detail.l Bright Wings, mother of pearl chaplet, handmade by Still Stone and Moss Prayer Bead Art., variation 2. Full view.

"Bright Wings" - variation 2 - Mother of Pearl

Red Egg, Mary Magdalene chaplet handmade by Still Stone and Moss Prayer Bead Art. Detail. Red Egg, Mary Magdalene chaplet handmade by Still Stone and Moss Prayer Bead Art. Full view.
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"Red Egg" - Old Masai Glass and Brass - Handmade Chaplet

Chaplet handmade of natural mother of pearl, brass, and bronze, by Still Stone and Moss Prayer Bead Art, detail view. Chaplet handmade of natural mother of pearl, brass, and bronze, by Still Stone and Moss Prayer Bead Art, full view.
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"Trailing Clouds of Glory" - variation ii - Natural Mother of Pearl, Brass and Bronze - Handmade Chaplet

Charity, chaplet handmade with Milagro of an open hand, by Still Stone and Moss Prayer Bead Art. Detail. Charity, chaplet handmade with Milagro of an open hand, by Still Stone and Moss Prayer Bead Art. Full view.

"Charity" - variation ii - Open Hand, Red Jasper and Bronze - Handmade Chaplet

Galway Chaplet handmade of heavy sterling silver, coral, turquoise and bone. By Still Stone and Moss Prayer Bead Art. Detail view 1. Galway Chaplet handmade of heavy sterling silver, coral, turquoise and bone. By Still Stone and Moss Prayer Bead Art. Full view.

"Galway Chaplet" - Heavy Sterling Silver, Red Coral, Turquoise and Bone - One of a Kind - Handmade Chaplet

We Are The Clay, chaplet handmade of stoneware, by Still Stone and Moss Prayer Bead Art. Detail. We Are The Clay, chaplet handmade of stoneware, by Still Stone and Moss Prayer Bead Art. Full view.

"We Are The Clay" - Bulgarian Stoneware - Handmade Chaplet

Tassel Chaplet, wool and onyx, handmade by Still Stone and Moss Prayer Bead Art. Variation 2. Detail. Tassel Chaplet, wool and onyx, handmade by Still Stone and Moss Prayer Bead Art. Variation 2. Full view.

Tassel Chaplet - variation 2 - Wool and Onyx

Tassel Chaplet, handmade of wool and obsidian, by Still Stone and Moss Prayer Bead Art. Detail. Tassel Chaplet, handmade of wool and obsidian, by Still Stone and Moss Prayer Bead Art. Full view.

Tassel Chaplet - variation 1 - Obsidian and Wool

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"Grace in the Desert" - Bronzite and Jasper - Handmade Chaplet

God's Jester, Saint Francis chaplet handmade with Murano and lava, by Still Stone and Moss Prayer Bead Art. Detail. God's Jester, Saint Francis chaplet handmade with Murano and lava, by Still Stone and Moss Prayer Bead Art. Full view.

"God's Jester" - Murano and Lava - St. Francis

Simon Peter's Heart , speckled seeds, ceramic and turquoise  handmade chaplet, by Still Stone and Moss Prayer Bead Art, detail view. Simon Peter's Heart , speckled seeds, ceramic and turquoise  handmade chaplet, by Still Stone and Moss Prayer Bead Art, full view.

"Simon Peter's Heart" - Speckled Lotus Seeds, Ceramic and Turquoise - Handmade Chaplet

"Set A Seal" - Mahogany Obsidian and Bronze - Handmade Chaplet red black angular chaplet fv.jpeg

"Set A Seal" - Mahogany Obsidian and Bronze - Handmade Chaplet

Flourishing Garden, variation 8, one of a kind Murano glass chaplet, handmade by Still Stone and Moss Prayer Bead Art. Detail. Flourishing Garden, variation 8, one of a kind Murano glass chaplet, handmade by Still Stone and Moss Prayer Bead Art. Full view.

"Flourishing Garden" - One of a Kind - variation 8 - Murano Glass

Flourishing Garden, variation 7, chaplet handmade with floral and leafy beads, by Still Stone and Moss Prayer Bead Art. Detail. Flourishing Garden, variation 7, chaplet handmade with floral and leafy beads, by Still Stone and Moss Prayer Bead Art. Full view.

"Flourishing Garden" - variation vii - Floral Bone, Leafy Wood

Flourishing Garden, variation 4, chaplet handmade of rhyolite and bone, by Still Stone and Moss Prayer Bead Art. Detail view. Flourishing Garden, variation 4, chaplet handmade of rhyolite and bone, by Still Stone and Moss Prayer Bead Art. Full view.

"Flourishing Garden" - variation iv - Hexagonal Pater and Rhyolite - Handmade Chaplet

Flourishing Garden, vintage Murano and carnelian handmade chaplet, by Still Stone and Moss Prayer Bead Art. Detail. Flourishing Garden, vintage Murano and carnelian handmade chaplet, by Still Stone and Moss Prayer Bead Art. Full view.

"Flourishing Garden" - variation viii - Murano and Carnelian

Wheat, chaplet handmade of bone, stone and wood, by Still Stone and Moss Prayer Bead Art,, detail view. Wheat, chaplet handmade of bone, stone and wood, by Still Stone and Moss Prayer Bead Art, full view..

"Wheat" - Bone, Stone and Wood - Handmade Chaplet

The Cup, red jasper chaplet handmade by Still Stone and Moss Prayer Bead Art. Detail. The Cup, red jasper chaplet handmade by Still Stone and Moss Prayer Bead Art. Full view.

"The Cup" - Red Jasper and Olivewood

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"Follow Me" - Jasper and Brass - Handmade Chaplet

Dreams - variation 3 - Agate & Carnelian - Handmade Chaplet - detail Dreams - variation 3 - Agate & Carnelian - Handmade Chaplet
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"Dreams" - variation 3 - Agate and Carnelian

Journey, stone and bronze chaplet handmade by Still Stone and Moss Prayer Bead Art. Detail. Journey, stone and bronze chaplet handmade by Still Stone and Moss Prayer Bead Art. Full view.
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"Journey" - Matte Jasper

"Lydia's Place" purple Czech glass handmade chaplet, by Still Stone and Moss Prayer Bead Art, detail view 1. "Lydia's Place" purple Czech glass handmade chaplet, by Still Stone and Moss Prayer Bead Art, full view.

"Lydia's Place" - Purple Russian Cut Czech Glass and Bronze

Candlelight, stone and bronze chaplet handmade by Still Stone and Moss Prayer Bead Art. Detail. Candlelight, stone and bronze chaplet handmade by Still Stone and Moss Prayer Bead Art. Full view.

"Candlelight" - Stone and Bronze - Handmade Chaplet

All Weather, St Francis chaplet handmade by Still Stone and Moss Prayer Bead Art, variation 2. Detail. All Weather, St Francis chaplet handmade by Still Stone and Moss Prayer Bead Art, variation 2. Full view.

"All Weather" - variation ii - Picasso Jasper and Bone

Jasper Cubes, handmade chaplet by Still Stone and Moss Prayer Bead Art. Details. Jasper Cubes, handmade chaplet by Still Stone and Moss Prayer Bead Art. Full view.

Jasper Cubes - Picture Jasper

Green turquoise and bone chaplet, handmade by Still Stone and Moss Prayer Bead Art. Detail view. Green turquoise and bone chaplet, handmade by Still Stone and Moss Prayer Bead Art. Full view.

Green Turquoise and Bone - Handmade Chaplet
