"The Cup" - Red Jasper and Olivewood

"The Cup" - Red Jasper and Olivewood
“Take this, all of you, and drink from it: this is the cup of my blood, the blood of the new and everlasting covenant. It will be shed for you and for all so that sins may be forgiven.”
— from the old Eucharistic Prayer
The crucifix of this chaplet is decorated with grape leaves and bunches of grapes, symbolic of the Communion wine. The crucifix is solid bronze, hand-cast from a vintage original.
The deep red of the Ave beads is another reminder of the wine. These faceted stone beads are poppy jasper. Among the Aves are matte glass beads in dark olives, and variously shaped beads of solid brass.
The Pater bead is olivewood, made by hand in Israel, of wood pruned from the ancient olive groves in Bethlehem. No trees were harmed in the harvesting of this wood — pruning the trees is essential to their health and continued fruitfulness.
Crucifix: 1.75"
Pater: about 14mm
Aves: about 6 x 9mm
Length: 8.5"
The chaplet is strung on premium quality Soft Flex jewelers' cable, composed of 49 strands of steel encased in nylon, with a test strength of 26 pounds; each end is double-crimped for security.