"Follow Me" - Jasper and Brass - Handmade Chaplet

"Follow Me" - Jasper and Brass - Handmade Chaplet
"If anyone serves me, he must follow me."
— John 12:26
"Search and see if there is not some place where you may invest your humanity." … "Everyone has his Lambaréné."
— Albert Schweitzer
This Coptic crucifix is hand-cast from a 19th century original in solid bronze.
The handmade brass Pater bead has a marvelous woven or braided texture.
The stone Aves are red-brown jasper.
The prayer beads are separated by small beads of matte glass and occasional beads of solid brass.
Crucifix: 1.5"
Pater: about 18mm x 30mm
Aves: 8mm
Length: 8.25”
The connecting rings are copper and bronze. The chaplet is strung on premium quality Soft Flex jewelers' cable, composed of 49 strands of steel encased in nylon, with a test strength of 26 pounds; each end is double-crimped for security.