"Cornerstone" - Rough Cut Picasso Jasper - Handmade Rosary

"Cornerstone" - Rough Cut Picasso Jasper - Handmade Rosary
“The stone that the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone.”
— Matthew 21:42
Angular radiant crucifix, and openwork Gate of Heaven rosary center. Both solid bronze, cast from vintage originals.
Pater beads are chunks of striped Picasso jasper. Alongside these are rough slices of onyx, and irregular beads of solid brass.
Picasso jasper Aves, in various grays and tans.
Separating the Aves are beads of matte glass. All the connecting rings are solid bronze.
The rosary is strung on premium quality Soft Flex jewelers’ cable composed of 49 strands of steel encased in nylon, with a test strength of 26 pounds; each end is double-crimped for security.
Crucifix: 1.8”
Center: .75”
Paters: from .75” to 1” tall, from .5” to .75” wide
Aves: 8mm
Length: 25”