“Soft Light” - Peace Jasper, Lepidolite and Bronze - One of a Kind - Handmade Rosary

“Soft Light” - Peace Jasper, Lepidolite and Bronze - One of a Kind - Handmade Rosary
”Jesus illuminates our life with a light that never goes out — not a firework, not a flash! — No, it is a soft light that always endures and that gives us peace.”
— Pope Francis, Angelus Message, 8/27/13
The soft, peaceful colors of this rosary bring to mind that “soft light.”
The Coptic cross of is elegantly simple. Both the cross and the rosary’s Sacred Heart center are solid bronze, hand-cast from antique originals.
Each Pater is composed of two lovely leaf-shaped beads of peace jasper, each individually made and unique. These leaves are highly dimensional, and they’re arranged end to end so they have movement — they tip and turn relative to one another in a beautiful way. They’re scarce — we were only able to get a small handful. Alongside the Paters are beads of solid brass.
The Ave beads are lepidolite in various shades of lavender, with a matte finish.
Separating the Aves are beads of matte glass in muted colors. At the ends of the strands are beads of solid brass. The connecting rings are solid bronze. The crimps are copper.
The rosary is strung on premium quality Soft Flex jewelers’ cable, composed of 49 strands of steel encased in nylon, with a test strength of 26 pounds. Each end is double-crimped for security.
Cross: 2”
Center: 1.1”
Paters: about .85” per leaf, 1.8” altogether
Aves: 8mm
Length: 28.5” from top of the loop to bottom of the cross