"Acorns" - Bloodstone and Wood Handmade Rosary

"Acorns" - Bloodstone and Wood Handmade Rosary
"Where I go, you cannot follow Me now; but you will follow later."
— John 13:36
The Pater beads of this rosary suggest acorns. The beads are wood, with caps of solid brass.
The beautifully shaped crucifix is hand-cast from an antique in solid bronze.
The rosary center is adorned with images of wheat, grape leaves, and the Eucharist. It's solid bronze, cast by hand from an antique original.
The Ave beads are bloodstone, in naturally varied deep blue-greens and occasional touches of muted reds. Among these are beads of matte Japanese glass and brass.
Crucifix: 2"
Center: .4"
Pater beads: about .5"
Length: about 24.5"
All the connecting rings are solid bronze. The rosary is strung on premium quality Soft Flex jewelers' cable composed of 49 strands of steel encased in nylon, with a test strength of 26 pounds; each end is double-crimped for security.